Ogemaw County Fair Logo

After the initial conversations with the point person, I had the understanding that the Fair’s biggest attractions were the Midway and Old Time Tractor Show. This wasn’t the direction they had envisioned but really liked the flow. They gave me a better direction in utilizing more colors, animals, and exhibits. 

In the second round of proofs, we were much closer to “IT”! Everything was envisioned and there. However, the animals weren’t quite right. They were too kid-like for this established fair. 
With the final rework, we have “IT”! The colors of each of the exhibit placings and ribbons, animals, the midway, and the farm feeling are all present. 
SkillsLogo and Identity

Ogemaw County Fair

West Branch, MI

In 2018 the Ogemaw County Fair sought out a rebrand for their annual fair. Before this rebrand, the Ogemaw County Fair didn’t really have a logo or a brand. 
During our initial conversations, the client said she wanted lots of colors and to touch on all features of the fair. This would include 4-H animals, the rides, and a rural hometown feel.